After sales services

Today, the main concern of customers and users is a reliable after sales service. Bearing this fact in mind, Life Board Parseh company has established its own after sales services department AKA “Life Service” to improve supporting customers. Using trained and experienced experts, this center is responsible for providing solutions for user’s objective as soon as possible.

Responsibility, customer orientation and having close relationship with top brands such as Casio, Asus, Lenovo, Benq …, have resulted to achieve international certifications like ISO 9001, ISO 10002 and ISO 10004. One of the most significant services provided by Life service is to repair computer hard disk and their recovery. life service main office is located at the first floor of Life Board Parseh headquarter building which provides services from 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M except Thursday when it closed at 1:00 P.M.
